Understanding Coyotes – Coyote Attack Sounds

It is widely known that animals do not hold a conversation in the same way as humans do. However, it does not mean they do not communicate and give warnings and distress amongst themselves. Studying their various sounds helps understand their behavior, and we can tame them or avoid conflicts.

Coyotes, for instance, communicate using different sounds with each sound meaning something else. Each sound as described in this article is used to communicate something either among pack members or to intruders who could be humans or other animals. No sound made by a coyote is usually in vain; each sound communicates a precise message which should not be taken lightly. As such, having a clear understanding of each sound made by coyotes will help you understand each the coyote life much better.


One of the least sounds made by coyotes is a whine. The sound is mainly high intensity made within a short range. Whines are usually made to communicate different emotions among pack members. A whine from a Coyote can be used as a distress call especially when they are in danger. The whine can be used to call for backup from other pack members.

Besides, a whine can also be used to communicate pain and hunger. As such, study the whining of Coyotes intensely to get an insight when a whine is used to communicate a coyote is hungry or when it’s in pain or a distress call. Whining though it the very least of the sounds made by coyotes get to study them well and you could have a lead when you are pursuing the predators.


A growl is high-intensity short range sound done so to communicate a threat. When a coyote is threatened, they will communicate to other coyotes of the impending danger by just producing a growl. Depending on the level of threat a coyote is facing, the growl will vary on their levels and the frequency. Ordinarily, when the threat is within proximity, Coyotes will issue consistent growls to scare away the threat and call for assistance from other park members.


A huff just like a growl is a high-intensity short range sound. The Huff is one of the major sounds made by a coyote. It is mainly a rapid and powerful expulsion of air from the nose and mouth concurrently. The resulting effect is blowing spit in the face of the object causing discontent.

Studies reveal that a Huff is the sound made by coyotes when they are feeding. Hence, next time you hear a huff, just know its dinner time, and coyotes are less sensitive to movements and sounds when they are feeding. In fact, it is a perfect time to get them unawares and make a perfect ambush on the animals. Additionally, coyotes will make the huffing sound to ward off any unwanted advances from other animals or other coyotes.


A bark is one of the most common sounds made by a coyote. It is often described as a high-low intensity long range warning of a threat. The sound is one of the most controversial sounds among coyotes depending on the level of threat. However, a bark could be used by coyotes for various reasons.

One common use of bark by a coyote is to raise their security level especially when confronted by the smell of intruders. If the smell picked by a pack of Coyotes at the same time, you are likely to get consistent barks from the animals as they try to threaten off the intruder in their territory.

Besides, the sound is issued to ward off the intruder whether they have a visual contact or not. The most fundamental fact to note a coyote bark is that it’s used to warn any intruder to keep their territory or scare away any threat to pack which would be humans or other animals.


Yelps are usually, high-intensity startle or a capitulation response. The yelps are frequently used by coyotes when they are unpleasantly surprised by any animal. In some cases, a Yelp is followed by a bark depending on the level of threat a coyote is sensing within the vicinity. Puppy yelps are often discerned communicate distress call rather than distress calls. As such, you will need to differentiate between yelps made by mature coyotes and those made by mature animals as they are a response to different occasions.