What’s a Good Coyote Gun

There are just too many coyote guns in the market. So what is a good coyote gun? Well, to answer this question, you will need to know all the attributes that make a gun great for hunting coyotes. It is not enough to go pick up a rifle from a gun shop. You’ll need a little expertise to pick just the right one. In this post, we discuss the specifications that you should look out for, regardless of the company that is manufacturing the gun.

The Gun

There is something about good coyote hunting guns – if it is good enough, it will have rave reviews from users. A few have been making rounds as the all-time favorites with the hunters. These include the Savage Axis, The Ruger American and the Mossberg MVP Series Varmint.

Coyote Hunting Gear

The Savage Axis and the Ruger American are said to have lightweight bolt action which works wonders when you need split second precision. The Mossberg MVP is a little bit heavier and thus offers more stability despite having sacrificed other great features. Do not just go for a rifle with a long, high quality choke tube. Coyotes are not like other varmints. They are harder to pin down.

Despite the obvious advantages of the above rifles, the Remington 700 SPS Tactical is the best all-rounded coyote hunting gun in the market. Here is why; the gun is light and easy to carry but powerful enough to get a coyote into your hunting range and make a kill. The gun features a small caliber bolt action center fire that is responsible for minimizing coyote pelts. It is also tack driven to maximize both durability and accuracy. Large hunting magazines such as the Outdoor Life and Wilderness Mastery has recommended the Remington 700 SPS as the most ideal coyote hunting gun.

Safety and performance of the 700 SPS tactical are ensured by a powerful but simple that ensures a clean shot without additional functions that may break or malfunction at the time you need the gun most. It’s barrel measures 20 inches long and is made of carbon steel which have drill holes for scope mounting. At 7.5 pounds and an all-weather molding stability, it is not hard to see why this gun is the most preferred of the hunting guns. What’s more; it comes with dual chambering that can take both .308 Winchester Ammo and the .223 Remington Ammo.

The Other Gear That Nobody Talks About

Apart from the gun, there are other pieces of gear that you will need to ensure that your gun performs optimally. These items include; rifle rests, bullets, scopes, and choke tubes. Remember that your prey (coyote) is a fast-moving target. It is highly alert and easily startled. The coyote is also a small carnivore compared to other predators and thus you will need a gun that ensures accuracy, quick recoil and devastating impact. Preserving pelts is another important aspect of coyote hunting as the humane killing activists have gained traction among the legislators after heavily lobbying for decades.

The Choke Tube

A choke tube may increase or decrease your accuracy when you are in the field. Your choke tube should be able to handle bullets that have been specifically made for coyote hunting. Remington for example sells a variety of choke tubes to be used on its 700 SPS tactical, some of which are specifically made for coyote hunting. Note that the choke tubes will increase your accuracy especially when your kill is a long distance away. Apart from the Remington choke tubes, you can look up the Hevi-Shote Dead Coyote Choke Tube, which is designed for larger kills, but rumored to improve accuracy without giving up the recoil time.


For coyote hunting, you are well advised to try using the small caliber bullets. Most small caliber bullets have hollow points and this provides a less intense impact hence giving the hunter a humane, accurate and quick way to pin down the kill. Good examples of small caliber bullets include the .308 Winchester, Hornady, the .223 Remington, and Sierra Matchking. Note that a bullet that explodes upon impact is more accurate and more humane. The small caliber bullet have flat trajectory and minimal wind interference on your accuracy.

The Scope

Have you ever entered a gun shop and realized that sometimes the scopes are more expensive than the gun they are supposed to be used on? Well, it is because good scopes are responsible for 80% of your kill rate. Coyote hunting requires about 400 meters of visuals and cross hairs precision. Since the best coyote hunting time is at night, you will need a scope with lighted reticles.


Waiting for the right shot is a nerve-wracking patience exercise and thus you will need either a bipod or a rifle rest. Guns such as the Remington 700 SPS (7-pounds) will definitely get heavy as you wait for your kill shot. If the bipod is adjustable and versatile, then your kill rate will become even better. Most great bipods are made of steel, aluminum, and rubber.

Your Safety

Accidents happen. You would want a gun that ensures you are safe by adding security features. The ABC’s of using any gun is to load it carefully, only point it to the target you want to shoot.

Pro Tip: The X-Mark Pro Triggers may not be the best for a rookie coyote hunter as they have been said to go off even without the trigger being pulled.

When you are in doubt of your gun’s safety, you are well advised to remove the cartridges. Never point your gun to an unintended target whether the gun is loaded or not.

A good coyote gun should have all of the above features. When out shopping for a gun, ensure that the additional gear is compatible with your gun. Experts reckon that you should spend more time shopping for a gun than out tracking the coyote with a gun that will not finish the job.

Good luck getting a good coyote gun and hunting for the varmints!