Coyote Traps Tractor Supply

What is a coyote and why trap it?

The coyote is a canid native to North America, closely related to the wolf species. It is of average weight (eight to twenty kilograms) and size – slightly smaller than a gray wolf. Featured heavily in Native American folklore, it is usually depicted as a trickster, using heavily a combination of deception and humor. In Anglo-American culture, in contrast, it is considered as a cowardly and untrustworthy animal with the largely negative attitude towards it remaining mostly intact.

Coyote Live Traps

Although they are part of the ecosystem of North America, and thus necessary for the continuation of its balance, they are many times considered a nuisance or menace by humans as they tend to cause problem due to their aggressive nature. They are known to wound or kill domestic animals, such as dogs or livestock. Often times, they also scavenge through garbage. In response to this phenomenon a considerably amount of coyote trap models has been developed.

Enter Tractor Supply

Tractor Supply Company (TSCO) is the leading U.S retailer in the market of products for home improvement, agriculture, lawn and garden maintenance, and livestock and pet care. As of April 1st of 2017, Tractor Supply operates 1.617 stores in forty nine States. Amongst its immense plethora of products, there are traps specifically made for catching animals live. Keep in mind though that coyotes are very strong animals, so you would need a trap that is sufficiently large, powerful and fast.

Coyote Traps

Taking a look at Tractor Supply Company’s live animal traps list there’s a great variety of traps, ranging from a small, moderate and large size. Best suited for catching coyotes would definitely be the 42” X 16” X 16” sized live animal trap. It is made of heavy galvanized wire mesh with a steel reinforcement and features a spring loaded door that is easy to bait and set and quick to release. This product also includes a very convenient carrying handle.

Perhaps its most interesting feature is that due to the trap’s design and structure it is able to catch and unwanted animal without injuring it so that it can be relocated humanely afterwards. The package is a natural fit for those who have constraints about vengefully killing their coyote intruders and would prefer a more mild solution to their nuisance.

Coyote trapping tips

Even though picking the right trap is definitely a step – if not the step – towards the right direction, coyotes are tricky animals by their nature and one should do all that can be done in order to avoid any unnecessary complications. Following will be a list of our best tips for maximizing your chances of being successful in catching the little devils:

  • Target the right coyote causing all of the damage: The most aggressive coyotes are usually male, between the ages of three to five years old. Before you catch the real culprit, you might unknowingly catch another coyote roaming in the area.
  • Check the coyote’s age and sex after you catch it: The best way to determine a coyote’s age is looking at the wear on its teeth. If its incisor teeth, the teeth located between its canine fangs, have rounded lobes, the coyote you caught is probably young and unlikely to be the one causing the damage.
  • Follow the rules and regulations: These vary by State, but you’ll usually be unable to set up traps on pathways regularly used by people or domestic animals.
  • Find places where the coyote has been before: You should set your trap in places where problems have already occurred as coyotes are known to frequently return to the same areas. Good places to set traps include farm or livestock trails, at field’s edge and on open ground. You should avoid setting coyote traps under trees or against high weeds because coyotes tend to avoid approaching such places.
  • Restrain domestic animals before setting the trap: This includes both dogs and cats. They are likely to be drawn into the trap too, so make sure to keep them from roaming loose before setting the trap.
  • Add bait, lure or scent: You will need something to bait the coyote inside the trap. That can either be tainted meat, or a commercial lure containing an odor that a coyote likes, such as beaver castor or skunk essence.
  • Removing the coyote from the trap: It is necessary to stress that coyotes become extremely dangerous when trapped. Considering how Tractor Supply’s model will keep the coyote alive, you should be careful when removing it from your trap. You would be wise to contact a professional, or your local governmental wildlife or conservation department. In any case, make sure to wear thick clothing and protective gloves. Take note that coyotes can sometimes carry disease and rabies.

Alternatives to trapping

Trapping a coyote is not the only option there is. Many animals rights group protest against the practice of trapping coyotes, considering it inhumane and cruel. There are many educational programs on how to resolve a coyote conflict without trapping the animal. Generally, should you decide to refrain from trapping a coyote, you should keep food and water away from it, as coyotes are often lured to an area populated by humans because they are thirsty or hungry. The same is true of unsecured garbage, compost piles and pet food. Get rid or minimize such things, and the coyote will likely go elsewhere.


If you are suffering from a coyote nuisance, you should do all that can be done in order to neutralize it. Whether you decide to kill, trap the animal alive or attempt to make it go away is up to you. Tractor Supply has a great product, if you prefer to go with the second option and you should definitely look it up. Just make sure to always keep in mind that coyotes are aggressive animals and can be dangerous to humans and domestic animals alike.