Did you know there are daytime calling techniques that can be used to call predators such as coyotes at any time, day or night? Lots of hunters prefer nighttime hunting and coyote calls as it has a special allure.
Maybe some of the allure comes from being in the dark when the coyotes are less wary; visibility is less, it’s a more challenging area – there are a number of reasons a person may want to use calling techniques.
When hunting during the day different things come into play. Some work in your favor, and some work against you. You can see a lot further during the day (depending on the area), but that means so can the coyotes. But a long-range rifle will usually take care of that, as even during the day, a coyote can’t see you at 200 yards if you’re the least bit concealed.
The key to successful daytime hunting is proper calling techniques which will bring the wary coyotes in. Calling techniques change from season to season, and even from day to day. The main difference is the time of year.
Events like when pups are born and higher chances of food availability are just two variables that can cause a change in calling techniques. Essentially, you’re starting from scratch each time you initiate a new coyote hunting adventure because of the consistent rate at which things change year after year.
The Types of Calls
There are two types of calls. The first include your hand and mouth calls. What you’re trying to do with this sound, for example, is to imitate distress. A distress sound may sound like a dying rabbit or squirrel.
The second type of call is an electronic call. Each year, several new breakthroughs in technology are being made so the electronic callers are getting better and better. Some are especially loud, durable, and can even be programmed to emit their high-quality call sounds.
The electronic calls are typically pre recorded chips or tapes of animal sounds that can imitate distress (or many others), and they play a certain sound or sequence of sounds. Just know that you get what you pay for. An electronic caller can run into hundreds of dollars depending on the brand and features you are looking for.
Serious hunters will spend that kind of money, as there are guides, and affinity groups that shoot hundreds of coyotes a year. Many of these seasoned hunters will use dogs and radio collars as well in addition to the electronic caller.
If you are on a budget and aren’t as big into the hunting scene every year, then you can manage just fine with the traditional hand and mouth calls.
By the way, just because we have only mentioned distress calls, doesn’t at all mean that those are the only calls available that will draw coyotes in; far from it. You can call in “coyote talk.” This type of call utilizes different barks, yips, yells or howls of the predators and all these sounds will tell other coyotes what’s happening; such as where there’s a kill.
Your animal distress calls, which may imitate the sound of rabbits or squirrels being attacked or killed, for example, is one option. Another calling option includes barks, howls, yips, and yells of coyotes, which attract other coyotes.
The Sounds of Coyotes
Coyotes are very manipulative in their sounds. There are distinct barks, howls, yips and yells and all of these will tell the savvy hunter just what is happening (this knowledge is where the experienced coyote hunter really distances him/herself from the average hunter).
The specific sounds coyotes make will tell you when the coyote is approaching its quarry, when they close the distance, and when they strike. When a coyote approaches, gets closer and “surrounds” its prey, then you will find that the barking turns to yips and becomes quicker.
When they get really close, it’s almost like a puppy playing. The sounds are short growls and snarls; and when a coyote makes a kill, its sounds are higher pitched, as well the barks/yips/yells become shorter, and quicker.
Another call that real experienced coyote hunters use is the “squeaker type” of call like a mouse or some other small rodent. Coyote hunters use this type of call when a coyote is just not quite ready to come in, is a little out of range, or they can’t get a shot because of brush or other natural impediments.
These “squeaker calls” usually will do the trick, but because they’re “squeaks,” they normally can’t be used over long distances. Indeed, the wary coyote will instinctively know that there’s something wrong if they can hear a “squeak” from a long distance.
There are also coyote distress calls, which will often bring a coyote in. The sounds of a pup that’s lost will bring in a mother/female. Or maybe a coyote is hung up, and this will attract other coyotes who want to see what’s going on or maybe are looking to steal a kill; just a couple of examples.
Then there are the “challenge” calls. These challenge calls include barks and other coyote sounds that will call a coyote in regarding mating and finding a receptive female, or the invasion of another coyote’s territory.
And one of the newer calls attracts the “biggest and baddest” coyotes only. These particular calls are specific to calling in the most dominant coyotes similar to a deer call which is specifically formulated to attract the buck in an area.
There can be a couple of problems with using this type of dominant-only-coyote call. First, there may be NO dominant coyotes in the area. You can call ,all you want, and you won’t attract anything. The other consideration is that if any coyote hears this type of dominant call, and they are NOT dominant themselves, this will cause them to run off. They don’t want to mix with a dominant competitor.
They’re not looking for trouble or the possibility of being attacked by a bigger or stronger animal; and that happens all the time. Unless you know specifically that there are “monster coyotes” in any given area, you should never use this type of call when hunting coyotes.
You don’t want to risk scaring off an entire area population of coyotes in the hopes of getting a trophy.
Deciding Which Daytime Calling Technique to Use
Different times of the year will also dictate what type of calls a coyote hunter will use. They will have to pick and choose what’s going to work for calling coyotes during that particular time of the year. Like turkey hunting, you want to refrain from calling too much. Unfortunately, that’s what too many coyote hunters do.
If you do make a wrong call, that is an absolute palpable “warning” to any coyote in the area, that it’s a “scam,” and it will cause them to scurry off, and you won’t see much success that day.
During the day, don’t forget how utterly essential it is to be concealed, and while you can see and shoot further, you MUST BE SILENT and stand still! Coyotes have a very keen sense of hearing, and will, like a laser beam, pinpoint you instantly at the slightest “unusual” sound.
Midday Coyote Calling Techniques
Coyotes tend to be nocturnal, like many predators. However, situations can change and sometimes you may find that they are out during daytime hours instead. Predators will typically avoid places that may cause them harm or trigger unsafe conditions. For example, if you find a spot that is already littered with shell casings, then it is safe to assume that other hunters have already been there and tried and the coyotes know to stay away from that particular area.
One of the biggest tips we can give you about midday calling is to get close and be very quiet. Coyotes are shy about revealing themselves during the day, so you want to get into a position that will allow you to see in all directions and then be very quiet as to not give up your location.
When calling during daylight hours, you will want to start out relatively quietly, and you can then begin to work your way up to louder sounds. Locator calls in the morning usually don’t elicit much of a response because the coyotes are probably already traveling in packs, so you will instead want to use a howler and then come back at different points throughout the day.
And now to get up on my “bully pulpit” as Teddy Roosevelt once said and preach to you. What we have outlined is good and solid info and can apply to a number of different situations and scenarios. However, it only skims the surface of what a good coyote hunter should do.
Finding and utilizing an expert guide, who’s been hunting coyotes for years and knows a particular area inside-out, is always a good idea and will work to your advantage.
You can go to seminars. Buy a video. Read articles like this. That’s all good, but the bottom line is still finding that mentor who will train and teach you all the little “isms” that only someone who has hunted coyotes in different circumstances for years, can know. By all means, use this excellent site to find a guide who can and will help you.
Good luck and good hunting!